Enabling technologies


Imagine's Offers

The database may not be exhaustive, please do not hesitate to contact us !
  • Offers

    Single cell services go from consulting to set up an experiment, single-cell libraries
    generation, sequencing of libraries and computational analyses.

    The platform offers all the techniques and protocols commercialized by 10X
    Genomics, to perform analyses of gene expression at the single-cell level:
    - 3’ Single Cell Transcriptomic
    - 5’ Single Cell Transcriptomic + VDJ
    - Feature Barcoding, CITE-seq protocol
    - Single Cell ATAC-seq
    - Spatial Transcriptomic
    The platform is 10X Genomics certified !



    - Chromium Controller in L1 facility , to generate single-cell encapsulation and libraries
    - Chromium Controller in L3 facility , to generate single-cell encapsulation and libraries
    starting from cells infected by pathogens (HIV, Sars-Cov2 for example,…)
    - Chromium Connect controller in L1 facility to perform single-cell transcriptomic
    libraries in an automated way
    - PCR BioRad Thermocycler

  • The Imagine’s genomics core facility provides high-throughput genotyping and sequencing services on a fee-for-service basis. 


    Custom Targeted NGS Sequencing

    Whole Exome Sequencing

    Whole Genome Sequencing


    One high troughtput next generation sequencer NovaSeq, Illumina

    One high troughtput next generation sequencer iSeq100, Illumina

    Other equipments :

    1. DNA shearing: Covaris E220
    2. Capillary electrophoresis: Fragment Analyseur et Tape Station 2200 Agilent Technologies
    3. Nucleic acids measurement: Xpose spectrophotometer (Unchained), QuBit fluorimeter (Invitrogen), real time PCR StepOnePlus (Life Technologies)
  • The iPSC Core Facility is dedicated to the development of new cellular models for the study of rare diseases


    Cellular reprogramming of human somatic cells from patients and healthy donors into iPS cells

    Expanding, maintaining, and banking of iPS cells

    Molecular and functional characterization of iPS cells


    • Three incubators including 1 with tris-gas option for both hypoxic and hyperoxic studies
    • Three class II biological safety cabinets
    • Inverted microscope with phase contrast optics
    • Two Lynx Dynascope under class II biological safety cabinet
    • Celena™ S Digital Cell Imaging System
    • Orbital shaker
    • Centrifuge
    • Ultra low temperature freezer (-150°C)
  • Specific technics and methods

    Brain magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), or neuroimaging, is a non-invasive technique to better understand and visualize the cortex and the white matter in vivo.

    Using a 3 Tesla scanner (General Electric), the pediatric radiology department of the Necker hospital has developed advanced multimodal neuroimaging sequences. These brain MRI sequences can be used to :

    >> measure cerebral blood flow at rest with perfusion sequences using arterial spin labeling (ASL),

    >> visualize and analyze with high resolution brain anatomical structure and brain changes using structural sequences (3D T1-weighted, T2-weighted, Cube T1, Cube T2, T2 FLAIR),

    >> visualize and analyze white matter pathways using diffusion tensor imaging (DTI),

    >> measure synaptic activity at rest, during a particular task or combined with electroencephalography to localize the brain activity (respectively rsfMRI, task-fMRI or EEG-rsfMRI).

    These multimodal imaging sequences also allow longitudinal measurements using biomarkers and comparisons between groups or population.


    3 Tesla MRI (General Electric) 

  • Offers

    The rAAV facility is dedicated to the production of rAAV vectors for expression of:

    -therapeutic transgenes,

    -reporter genes (GFP, luciferase),

    -empty capsid particles (AAV particles with no genome inside), 

    -rAAV vectors associated with extracellular vesicles (exo-rAAV).


    Roller bottle incubator with 100  bottles capacity/run


  • The Data Science platform develops methods and tools to accelerate translational research.

    in process

  • Imagine-Paris Descartes bioinformatics platform develops bioinformatic tools for data integration and interpretation.

    The amount of data generated by next generation sequencing technologies created new challenging issues to analyze, integrate and visualize relevant information. To reach this goal, the bioinformatics platform has developed an original framework to analyze resequencing projects: the Polyweb Suit.

    Polyweb Suit

    Polyweb is an in-house software for:

    processing data from exome sequencing (PolyExome)
    processing data from targeted sequencing (PolyDiag)
    analyzing variants and exploring the “DéjàVu” database (PolyDéjàVu)
    performing linkage studies (PolyLinkage)
    managing NGS projects (PolyProject)
    NGS resequencing run (PolyRun)


  • Marion Pilorge

    Marion Pilorge

    Business development manager

    • marion.pilorge@institutimagine.org
    • + 1 42 75 45 65

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